onsdag 24 november 2010

That don't believe in me.

Idag hade Tina skrivit till mig på Fejjan. Hon frågade om jag hade hört om ryktena att WB ska göra en Buffy reboot. Ja, för tydligen är det så. Allt verkar handla om pengar, för vampyrer på tapeten lixom. Joss är inte ens med på det. JOSS ÄR INTE MED PÅ DET. Det pågår disskutioner om vilken som ska anta rollen som Buffy efter Sarah Michelle Gellar eftersom castet med stor sannolikhet kommer bytas ut med.
Jag som länge länge hoppats på en Buffy film och så blir det så här. Jag hoppas inte nå mer.


Härifrån: 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer': Warner Bros. sinks fangs into reboot
Today, Warner Bros. announced plans to remake 1992′s Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which gave birth to the much-loved Sarah Michelle Gellar-headed TV series (which we all still worship unashamedly).
While details are sparse, filmmakers claim the movie would not revisit the vampire slayer’s high school days, attempting instead to capture the “witty, tough, and sexy” heroine in a new way. The team behind the project includes Dark Knight producer Charles Roven and relative newcomer Whit Anderson. The movie could hit theaters in 2012 or late 2011, according to the L.A. Times.
What do you say, readers? Is it time to bring Buffy back from the dead?

Härifrån: I know — it’s difficult to imagine another Buffy. In fact, you might feel as though you’d like to send the just-announced Buffy the Vampire Slayer reboot back to the kitchen and have Joss Whedon cook you up something snarky and delicious instead. But the truth is that Joss isn’t involved, PopWatchers.

This Movie = The BIGGEST Bad
Mon 11/22/10 7:49 PM
How about nobody? This whole thing is a travesty. Suits see an opportunity to cash in on a writer’s creation because they have the power to, make some money on the whole vampire craze, and basically ensure that no live-action production with the original cast will ever see the light of day. Thus the Buffy legacy is forever tainted, all because a greedy, opportunistic studio wanted another ‘Twilight.’ Jeez, they couldn’t have even let the series die first, could they? The franchise hasn’t even been off the air for ten years! Season 8 is still coming out in comic form, with Season 9 to follow! Why is Hollywood so in love with other people’s ideas lately? God forbid they come up with some of their own. RIP Creativity. Christ

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